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Straight Up Page 7

  Jake removed the lid from the hot tub and groaned as a waft of steam rose from the water. “Come on, let’s get in.”

  Brent dropped the towel on a bench by the tub and followed after Jake, settling in the warm water, hoping the bubbles hid his desire. Jake had a beer ready for him, and he thought maybe he shouldn’t take it, but then he decided what the heck could it hurt.

  Brent sat across from Jake, trying to do anything but stare at his buddy. The dark had stolen any view they had and wrapped it in a soft cloak of snow which still fell with a wisp of beauty. Silence came with the snow, like a soft hush had fallen over the land. It seemed like the only sound was the hot tub bubbles, that and the pounding of his heart.

  He closed his eyes, and exhaustion consumed him. He felt something brush against his leg and he opened his eyes, finding Jake close.

  “I know you can’t see it, but the view is amazing.”

  “I bet it is,” Brent whispered, thinking the view in the tub was even better.

  They sat beside each other, silently staring out at the darkness where thick white puffs fell to the ground.

  “It’s weird,” Jake said.


  “This place. So beautiful, but I don’t think I could stand the snow like this all the time.”

  “I agree.”

  Again, no words were said. It was almost painful to be so close to Jake, their legs brushing against each other, and not be able to run his hands over Jake’s body and let his lips trail down his neck.

  “I never should have hit you all those years ago. I’m sorry.”

  Jake’s words shocked him. His cock was hard, and he liked the feel of Jake’s leg bumping against him. Brent took a sip from the beer Jake had given him, trying to figure out what to say. “It’s okay.”

  “It’s not. I said I was sorry, but I don’t think I really expressed how much I regret that moment. It drove a wedge between us, which I don’t like at all. I need to make sure you understand how sorry I am.”

  “You don’t have to,” Brent said as pain swept through him.

  “I think I do. It was over something stupid.”

  Brent nodded. “A woman.”

  “Yeah, like I said, it was stupid. I should have stepped away and let you have her.”

  “It wasn’t her I wanted.” His heart stalled then raced. Had he said those words out loud?

  Jake got up and moved to the far edge of the tub, hanging his arms over the side, his ass floating up high where the water wasn’t covering it. Brent was ready to start apologizing when Jake glanced over his shoulder, his gaze drilling into Brent’s. There wasn’t any anger evident in Jake’s gaze, and though Brent wanted to hide, he stayed rooted in his spot.

  Then Jake pushed away from the wall and moved so he was standing right in front of Brent. His gaze traveled up Jake’s body, and he knew he was in major trouble. His cock was raging hard, and his heart was pounding. He wanted to make up excuses for what had happened, but he had stepped into this shit, knowing what a mess it would make.

  Jake bent at his waist and placed his hands on the tub edge behind Brent’s shoulders. “Who did you want?”

  It might have been his imagination, but it looked like Jake’s eyes had cleared from the alcohol. Maybe they hadn’t drunk as much as he thought. Jake couldn’t be sober, but he wasn’t as smashed as Brent thought he should be.

  There was no way Brent could answer the question, not with Jake standing over him totally naked and hot as hell. If Jake got angry, Brent couldn’t leave this cabin in this storm.

  “Tell me,” Jake whispered.

  He swallowed, trying to think up any lie he could tell his friend, something to throw Jake off from the truth. No words would come. His tongue dried out as he searched for something to say. All he could do was sit there silently and stare at the man he’d fantasized about for the last few years.


  The bad thing about tequila was it loosened his tongue, but obviously, it hadn’t loosened Brent’s. The man still looked scared of him and he’d thought his apology would have changed things. He guessed he would never win with Brent. He pushed away and hopped out of the tub, grabbing a towel and drying enough to head inside.

  He had no idea why he’d pushed Brent to say what he wanted. It wasn’t like he was gay or had even kissed a guy, but seeing Brent again had only increased his feelings. When he’d talked to Chris and Will about how they knew they were gay, he’d been thinking of Brent. No other guy had ever made him want to switch teams like Brent made him want to go to the gay side.

  Once inside, he grabbed his clothes and headed to the bathroom. A little too late he realized he’d grabbed Brent’s underwear instead of his own. He would fix the issue later. For now, he needed something to protect him from himself. What had he been thinking? Floating around naked in a hot tub with Brent wasn’t normal. He’d gone out there, knowing what he was doing, and Brent hadn’t tried anything. Fuck, he didn’t want Brent to try anything because he liked women, not fucking hot sexy guys who made his insides twist in knots. The lie started to fall apart in his thoughts before he even finished thinking it. Hell, Brent wasn’t gay and it was ridiculous to think the man would want him.

  He stepped out of the bathroom and saw Brent coming inside. He was shivering and his lips were blue.

  “What happened?” Jake spit out as he rushed over.

  “I-I had to put the t-top on. It was cold.”

  “Fuck. I’m such an idiot. Come here.” Jake drew Brent over to the fireplace, which was still smoldering, wrapped his arms around him, and held him close as he rubbed his hands over Brent’s body, trying to warm him. At first, Brent held his body stiff then he relaxed and stepped closer.

  Heat spread from his chest outward as he cuddled Brent, unhappy he’d been the one to cause Brent to be cold. Brent’s body felt good in Jake’s arms. He slowly ran his hand down Brent’s back to his ass and cupped the delicious globe and squeezed.

  Heat filled him as Brent sucked in a quick breath. Another round of shivers snaked through him, and he felt guilty for touching Brent’s ass. Jake needed to get Brent warm not fulfill his desires. He glanced around, not seeing everything he needed down here to make sure Brent got and stayed warm. The fire was too low and wasn’t putting out enough warmth. He needed to get Brent into bed and under some covers.

  “Come on, we’re going upstairs.”

  Brent balked. “Wait, what?”

  “You’re freezing, and you need to get warm. Come on, let’s go.”

  “My clothes.”

  Jake grabbed Brent’s stuff and led him upstairs to the bedroom with the amazing view. He tugged at the covers and pulled them low, pushing Brent to the mattress. The lights were off but the drapes were open. Enough light spilled in through the swirling white storm so he could see Brent stretching out in the bed. He pulled off his pants and his shirt and laid down next to Brent, wrapping one arm under his head as he tugged up the covers.

  Brent helped him with the sheets and blankets, pulling them high. He wrapped his other arm around Brent and tugged him close, tangling their legs together. This was exactly where he wanted to be. Brent felt good in his arms and Jake knew what he was doing. Like he’d known out in the hot tub, but this time he wasn’t going to run away from the truth, and he damn sure was going to let Brent know the score.

  His fingers smoothed over strong muscles and delicious flesh. Brent shivered and Jake pulled him closer.

  His cock grew hard as his fingers trailed over Brent’s chest. His cheek was pressed against Brent’s, and he was close to kissing him. Every move made him hotter. Brent didn’t roll away, didn’t push his hand away, and Jake grew bolder. It felt right being this close to Brent. Maybe Brent wanted him too. Jake let his fingers smooth lower, past Brent’s pec to his abs. Jake shivered at the thought of touching Brent’s cock.

  “Jake, you gotta stop,” Brent ground out.

  The words were like a knife to his heart. Opening up like this wa
s hard and Brent didn’t even want him. Pain sliced through him. He held his hand still over Brent’s heart and felt the strong beat. He didn’t want to stop, but Brent was telling him no. Maybe it was stupidity, or curiosity, but he wanted to feel Brent under him, their bodies pressed together.

  Brent tried to roll way, but Jake held his arm, keeping him in place. Their gazes met, and he swore he saw heat in Brent’s eyes. Confusion filled him. Did Brent want him too?

  Brent relaxed and laid back on the bed. Jake pulled him close and held him, but didn’t move. They were both breathing hard, and Jake thought he was going to lose his mind. Brent was in bed with him, and he couldn’t have the man. He needed to tell him how he felt, but showing seemed so much easier. He wanted to kiss Brent, hold him close, and make love to the man. His cock was pressed up against Brent’s leg, and it jerked at the thought of sliding into Brent.

  “Please,” Brent begged.

  Jake froze, his body vibrating with one-sided need. “Please, what?”

  Brent turned his head and moved so they could see each other. Jake’s heart skipped a beat, and he sucked in air. Desire was shining in Brent’s eyes. No question. He moved quickly, rolling on top of Brent and going up on his elbows. Excitement filled him. Once he crossed this line, there would be no going back.

  Brent’s thick cock jerked as Jake settled above him. He was boned up too. Jake rocked his hips so Brent had no doubts what Jake wanted. Brent’s eyes grew wider and he stilled, his fingers digging into Jake’s sides as he sucked in air.

  “Fuck, Jake, you have to stop.” Brent’s voice was strained but he rocked his hips, his body betraying his words.

  Jake stared down into Brent’s gaze. “Why?”

  Brent closed his eyes and Jake lowered, brushing their lips together. Brent let go an explosive breath before he pushed Jake off and rolled on top of him. He held Jake’s shoulders down as his breath came in gasps.

  “We can’t,” Brent said.

  Shock coursed through Jake, but the desire was still thick in his veins. “Why?”

  “You’re not…why are you doing this?” Brent tried to get out of bed, but Jake didn’t like how cold Brent’s lower legs felt. He held Brent still and sighed.

  “Fine, I’ll stop. Stay, you’re still too cold. Don’t move.”

  Brent dropped to the mattress beside Jake and threw his arm over his eyes. Jake wasn’t sure what to do. He’d made a huge pass at his friend, and Brent had shot him down hard. It was over. There was no way he could recover from this. He’d tried to show Brent how he felt and the guy didn’t want him.

  Jake pushed away his hurt and pulled Brent close. “You need to get warm.”

  Brent said nothing but didn’t fight Jake. Their bodies melted together and warmth grew between them. Jake drew in a deep breath, trying to memorize Brent’s scent and how it felt to hold the man. This was the most painful thing he’d ever experienced. He’d wanted Brent for so long, but now it was obvious he would never have the man.

  Brent let go a shuddering breath and some of the stress in his body eased. He melted against Jake.

  “It was you,” Brent whispered.

  “What?” Jake asked.

  Brent stilled, his breathing going shallow. “You asked out in the hot tub who I wanted; it was you.”

  Jake’s cock finished filling out. He shivered and pressed his body even closer to Brent’s. His breath was coming harder and he was getting hotter. The need to be even closer to Brent grew. It was all so confusing. Brent had said no, but now he was saying he wanted him.

  “You’ve got to stop,” Brent said.

  “Why?” Jake ran his nose over the side of Brent’s face. “Tell me why I need to stop and I will.”

  Brent shuddered and rolled over, facing Jake, his fingers feathered over Jake’s cheek then ran down to his neck and shoulder. At first, Jake thought Brent was going to pull away, but then he moved in closer, his lips only millimeters from Jake’s.

  “If you don’t stop, I won’t be able to.” Brent’s hand slipped around Jake’s waist and tugged him closer. “I’m so freaking turned on by you right now I can’t stop Jake. When you decide you’re done, I won’t be.”

  Jake’s heart stalled then galloped. “Kiss me.” This was something he’d wanted for a long time.

  Brent moaned before pressing his lips against Jake’s. His tongue slid over Jake’s mouth, begging for him to open. He tilted his head and let Brent guide him. Their tongues twisted together, setting off a firestorm of desire. He’d never been this turned on, this ready for more. He needed Brent like a dog needed a bone. His heart expanded, and he pressed even closer to the man.

  Brent’s fingers trailed over Jake’s chest then lower to his abs. He was still wearing underwear, Brent’s underwear. He arched closer as his sexy friend ran his fingers over the waistband, toying with the fabric.

  This was everything he’d ever wanted. Long ago he’d hit Brent, trying to force away his desire. He’d wanted this back then, and he still wanted it now. Brent was the only man he’d ever dreamed about, and his dreams weren’t anywhere near as wonderful as this reality.

  Jake needed to feel Brent’s hand on his dick, and he rocked his hips up, trying to force the contact. Brent chuckled and drew his hand away from Jake’s cock, lifting it to his hair. It was the exact opposite head Jake wanted him playing with. But Brent didn’t seem to be in any hurry to move them along.

  “I need…” Jake choked out as desire filled him.

  “I know exactly what you need.” Brent moved lower and began kissing down Jake’s chest, sliding his tongue over each nipple but moving on too fast for Jake to really enjoy the exploration. Then Brent hooked his fingers in the waistband of his underwear and pulled it down.

  Jake’s cock flipped out, smacking Brent in the face. Heat filled him as Brent tugged his underwear all the way off. The man still hadn’t touched Jake’s dick, other than the action against his face. Jake wanted to feel Brent’s hand or mouth or something on him.

  “Please, I need you,” Jake begged.

  Brent laughed before he lowered and let his lips linger on Jake’s thigh. The kiss set off all sorts of bells and whistles in Jake’s body. Brent’s mouth traveled slowly toward Jake’s hip. There was no doubt, Jake was going to come soon.

  This little trip to the other side was turning out to be more exciting than he thought it would be. Then his world was changed forever as Brent licked up his dick, circling the tip with his tongue.

  “Oh fuck.” He’d lost his mind. No question, he was insane. He cried out and reached down, grabbing Brent’s hair, simultaneously wanting to keep Brent’s face right where it was and tug him up for a steamy kiss.

  He was panting, his heart racing as his friend sucked down on him. “Brent, fuck…” The words were uttered as he arched up, trying to get more of his cock in Brent’s talented mouth.

  Brent’s hands were on his chest, pinching his nipples, tugging his chest hair. He’d never experienced anything like this before. His emotions were all over the place, and the sensations coursing through his body were off the charts.

  Brent took him deep and did such amazing things with his tongue it rocked Jake’s world. He was coming unglued and knew at any moment he would shatter. He’d had sex plenty of times, but nothing came close to the way this felt.

  He arched up and went stiff as he tried to hold off on his orgasm. Brent’s fingers found their way to his balls, grazing over his sensitive flesh. Then Brent touched Jake’s ass and a shiver struck him so hard he almost came. Brent pushed against his hole and he cried out as a sizzle of electricity shot through him.

  All his dark fantasies couldn’t match what he was experiencing with Brent. His cock grew bigger as desire surged through him. No way he wasn’t going to come. There were no tricks to pull back from this. Then Brent’s finger slipped inside his ass and pain blossomed, easing him off his orgasm. He gulped in a breath, trying to catch up to what was happening, but Brent didn’t let up. The sen
sual assault of Brent’s lips on his cock continued, driving him closer to the edge as the man slid his finger in deeper.

  Brent found something inside Jake that made him see stars. A loud wail erupted from his lips. His body no longer seemed to be his own. Everything was about Brent and what he was doing. The room faded; the bed faded, and it was only he and Brent left in the world.

  Jake gulped in a breath, trying to hold off but it was no use. He came hard and fast, his cum spilling down Brent’s throat. He floated on the clouds, soft as cotton and thin as a breath. There was no doubt in his mind he’d ever be the same again.

  Brent continued to suck him as his cock grew soft. When he couldn’t stand the feel of Brent’s lips on him for another second, he tugged at the man’s hair. His objections earned him a chuckle before Brent lifted up, adjusting his body so his head was close to Jake’s. Brent’s eyes were filled with wonder. The man mesmerized Jake. Then Brent lowered, his lips caressing Jake’s. He opened for Brent and tasted his own cum on Brent’s tongue.

  Lost in the kiss and the feel of Brent against him, he was surprised when Brent stilled then cum splashed on his belly. He’d thought Brent had come earlier, but why would he have?

  In all his years, he’d never had a sexual experience as intense as this one. Jake was still lost in wonder when Brent swiped up some of his own cum and held it to Jake’s lips. Though the room was dark, he could see enough for their gazes to lock. The look in Brent’s eyes was intense, drawing Jake even deeper into the swirl of emotions. He opened his lips and Brent slid his finger in. Jake sucked the cum from Brent’s fingers, moaning at the taste. It was salty, bitter, but he ate it because it was from Brent.

  Excitement flitted across Brent’s face as he slid his finger in deeper then pulled it out a bit. He did it again, swiping up more cum before offering it to Jake. The intensity in Brent’s eyes increased as he finger-fucked Jake’s mouth.

  Brent moved in quickly and pulled his finger from between Jake’s lips before delivering a kiss Jake would never forget. Their lips mashed together as he opened his mouth, allowing Brent’s tongue to slide in. The desperate swipe of Brent’s tongue felt more like begging than kissing. Brent put his whole body into the kiss and made Jake feel treasured.